Amazon Charitable Trust Securing Your Future

News Blog

The support of a conservationist

The support of a conservationist

The Amazon Charitable Trust (ACT) was invited to co-host, alongside WWF, the launch of Stanley Johnson’s new book, “'UNEP: The First Forty Years”, released to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the United Nations Environment Programme. Mr Johnson’s work traces the history and milestones of the UN agency, which has become the world’s leading inter-governmental organisation on environmental issues, and calls for new major efforts to halt global tropical deforestation.

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Walking amongst conservation giants

Walking amongst conservation giants

Robert Pasley-Tyler and John Hemming, trustees of the Amazon Charitable Trust, were amongst a selected group of people invited to attend a private presentation, on the 10th of May, by Brazilian senators Jorge Viana (PT/Acre) and Luis Henrique (PMDB/Santa Catarina) on the new Forestry Code recently sanctioned by president Dilma Rousseff.

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