Amazon Charitable Trust Securing Your Future

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ACT provided kits of food and essential for 250 families of river-dwellers

ACT provided kits of food and essential for 250 families of river-dwellers

ACT provided kits of food and essential for 250 families of river-dwellers (about 12 tons of goods costing £12 K). 

It took eight days for the boat of Expedição Katerre to reach all the communities of the RESEX from Novo Airão. Since the only way to reach those communities is by boat, days of navigations on the Rio Branco and Rio Jauaperi were necessary to assist the river-dwellers. Most of the communities have declared a state of voluntary lockdown avoiding any non-essential travel between the communities and the nearby cities. Since then, the population of the river have received no assistance from the state governments (Amazonia & Roraima) and despite having access to a nourishing nature they are lacking many products that they would normally consumed (sugar, coffee, rice, beans etc). We also supplied cleaning products which are of strategic importance to combat the pandemic. 

Thanks to our partner Amazonia Onlus  for organising this operation with us! The government agency of the Institute Chico Mendes also did get involved, paid for the fuel and contracted the crew of the boat and we received the logistical help of Bemol to transfer the funds from UK to Brazil.

We hope that the slow campaign of vaccination that has started in the state capitals will reach the river-dwellers soon. They are considered on the top priority list as traditional populations, but vaccines have, so far, not been given in sufficient number to the state of Roraima and Amazonas which let us predict some long months in isolations before we can hope that things will go back to normal. 

Meanwhile we will continue to support the inhabitants of the RESEX. To get involved please visit our donation page !

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