Amazon Charitable Trust Securing Your Future

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IPANEMA - The first programme destined to develop environmentally friendly drones Made in the Amazon, by Amazonians, for the Amazon. 

IPANEMA - The first programme destined to develop environmentally friendly drones Made in the Amazon, by Amazonians, for the Amazon. 

Be part of something special and help protect the lungs of the Earth, the Amazon! 

 With your help (crowdfunding) we want to deliver a collaborative research programme for 2019-2020 to build a drone prototype made of sustainable material capable of undertaking useful missions. On top of participating in a deliverable environment programme for world forests you will be able to participate in a raffle to win a once in a lifetime trip in the Amazon* 

IPANEMA (Indigenous Production of robotic Aircraft using Natural and Environmentally-friendly Materials from the Amazon region); The first programme destined to develop environmentally friendly drones Made in the Amazon, by Amazonians, for the Amazon. 

This programme is part of a ground-breaking project developed by the ONG, Amazon Charitable Trust (ACT), to use innovation and technology to improve the livelihoods of traditional population of the Brazilian Amazon.  In 2019 ACT embarked in a 5-year programme cycle to develop drone related activities to progress on environmental monitoring challenges, generate alternative income and improve technology and knowledge transfer in a remote area of the Brazilian Amazon.

Through an international collaborative partnership between the University of Southampton, the leading University in drone technology, the Federal University of Manaus and the traditional ribeirinho (river-dweller) community of Xixuaú in the Brazilian Amazon, the Amazon Charitable Trust is seeking to combat forest fires, illegal activities and empower local communities to safeguard their natural habitats.

On June 19th, four aeronautical engineering undergraduate students, from the University of Southampton (UK) will be traveling to the Brazilian Amazon to meet with their peers from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM).

Brazilian and English students will then undertake a 30-hour boat journey, on the Jauaperi river, to meet the inhabitants of the traditional community of Xixuaú located in the northern state of Roraima in the Brazilian Amazon. During their stay, the students will exchange with community members and gather information on the traditional use of forest products such as timbers, rubber, palms etc. The aim of the project is to create a drone prototype made by Amazonians for Amazonians using forest materials in a sustainable way.

The use of small drones can help tropical communities to better manage and conserve their forest. Robotic aircraft could potentially undertake a number of useful missions in the Amazon region. These range from sensor carrying aircraft capable of environmental monitoring to payload carrying aircraft capable of transporting goods, medicines and supplies in the area. However, most existing robotic aircraft, whether fixed wing or rotary wing make extensive use of carbon fibre composites and plastics. These materials are generally unsustainable, difficult to recycle and are relatively costly. This ambitious project seeks to find sustainable alternative for the development of drone technology for the local communities, conservation, education and scientists.