Amazon Charitable Trust Securing Your Future

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Revisiting Xixuaú; reinvigorating Amazon Charitable Trust

Revisiting Xixuaú; reinvigorating Amazon Charitable Trust

Robert Pasley-Tyler and Peter Bennett, two trustees of the Amazon Charitable Trust, have just been on a wonderful visit to Brazil (Robert´s office is the generous host to the Amazon Charitable Trust and Peter is the director of Rainforest Concern)

They were delighted to be in Xixuaú once again, relaxing with old friends and exploring the spectacular forest.  It's a magical place, impossible to visit without being inspired to support the commitment and bravery of the Rio Jauaperi's people as they try to live independent, peaceful lives deep in the rainforest.

As well as visiting Xixuaú, Robert took the opportunity to meet a huge range of new contacts.  Like much of the world, Brazilians are increasingly keen to see that their companies do more than simply deliver against the bottom line, by taking social and environmental responsibilities seriously.  Some are considering prioritising protection of the Amazon's cultures and ecosystems, so Robert explored this with them.

Robert is determined to improve the relationships between Xixuaú and public bodies.  Xixuaú demonstrates a wonderful model for community forest management, so Robert took this to the Brazilian Forest Service and to public research institutions. He also met the Mayor of Rorainopolis, explaining all that has been achieved in Xixuaú, and showing how an active, empowered community can protect the rainforest while drawing in income from ecotourists and supporters – which helps meet the state's own aims for sustainable community development.